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IAF to hold World Fashion Convention in Netherlands this October

World Fashion Convention will be held in the Netherlands from October 8 to 10. It is organized by the International Apparel Federation (IAF). The convention attracts apparel industry leaders from across the supply chain, from all continents. The theme of this edition is Building a smart future for the fashion industry.

The three-day convention will show many inspiring examples of a smarter apparel supply chain. Top speakers from across the globe will cover the width of the supply chain, from raw materials to apparel sourcing and from production to retail trends. Speakers will provide a comprehensive vision for the future of the fashion industry. Delegates can learn, among many other things, how block chain enables transparency, how circular fashion requires systemic changes, how better buyer-supplier collaboration is achieved, what are the major current and future sourcing trends and which new fabrics are being developed. Delegates will get a wealth of insights, which is very important for defining a sound industry or company strategy.

Speakers include representatives from major brands such as Puma, Hugo Boss, Vivienne Westwood and VF Corporation. In a world where prices cannot drop much lower, boats cannot go much faster and people cannot work much harder, improvements are made only when the business is made smarter.



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