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India: TSC appoints T Rajkumar as new chairman

T Rajkumar is TSC (Textile Sector Skill Council) chairman. DL Sharma is vice chairman. TSC was formed on the initiative of the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) as a an industry-driven non-profit, registered under the Companies Act 2013 and set up under the aegis of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and governed by 14 major textile industry associations and export promotion councils and has representatives from textile research associations and NSDC on its board.

TSC has been set up to develop a skilled work force for the textile industry by setting a curriculum for training and accreditation of trade competency. TSC plans to facilitate scalable skill training to the complete work force engaged in the manufacture of textile and handloom products.

TSC has been implementing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) projects in different locations in India to recognize informal learning in the textile and handloom industry. The objectives of the program are to enable a large work force to take up industry relevant skill training for better livelihood, to enhance career opportunities for trainees, to assess and certify the skills of traditional weavers and reduce inequalities between skills. A RPL program was conducted for power loom weavers of Tamil Nadu who are known for their artistic skill of making good quality and attractive fabrics.



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