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IWTO gets new head

Dalena White has been appointed the new secretary general of International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO). She has had experience in marketing, retail and fashion and has worked as a designer and pattern maker in design studios. She knows about wool and the wool industry. She has curated exhibitions such as Design Indaba and Wool Week South Africa.

White has served as marketing consultant for Cape Wools, promoting merino wool among retailers and designers, building brand awareness and educating consumers among the unique properties of wool. She has served on the board of Sweet-Orr and Lybro, a leader in the protective clothing business, as merchandise director for men’s, women’s and children’s denim and cotton garments.

With a membership comprising 60 per cent of total wool production worldwide, encompassing the wool pipeline from sheep to shop, the IWTO represents the interests of the wool textile trade at the global level. It facilitates industry strategy and ensures standards in manufacturing and sustainability. IWTO fosters connection between members and all stakeholders through mutual support of opportunities for wool.

White was chosen through a competitive selection process from a strong set of international candidates. She will take up her role on May 17, 2016, at which time the current secretary general will step down.


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