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New recycling method embraces the full cycle of apparel reuse

A new report suggests the environmental impact of an item's journey continues to go unnoticed as consumers race to buy now and buy more. Efforts to reduce water consumption for high-demand industrial processes have produced effective sustainability initiatives with innovative technologies that reduce the environmental impact of many industrial processes.

Nearly 26 billion pounds of clothing and textiles still pile up in landfills each year 95 per cent of which could be reused or recycled. A micromarketing viewpoint, involving different actors in society, is essential in order to make consumption more sustainable and for finding long-term solutions. Around 53 per cent of North Americans donate clothing and household goods when they feel they have accumulated too much clutter. Physical reminders, such as running out of closet space, also tend to inspire action.

The report also stated about 32 per cent give their friends and family first pick of their unwanted items and 13 per cent sell them via consignment or online marketplaces. While more people are donating or finding other uses for unwanted items, only 40 per cent purchase pre-owned goods at least once every few months, and 60 per cent of North Americans are shopping thrift once a year or less. For more people to bring reuse full circle, more convenient solutions are needed, such as, more convenient donation location and more organised thrift experience. This year's report illustrates key motivators for reuse as well as the opportunity for further education on the impact of clothing waste.


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