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RE&UP unveils Next-Gen recycling at Global Fashion Summit


At the Global Fashion Summit, RE&UP introduced a recycling ecosystem poised to revolutionize the textile industry. Building on Sanko's century-old textile heritage, RE&UP has developed a patented technology capable of separating polycotton blends into pure cotton and polyester, making significant strides in sustainable fashion.

This innovative process combines advanced thermochemical, thermomechanical, and mechanical technologies, allowing it to recycle various feedstocks and expand accessible waste streams. 

The resulting Next-Gen Cotton and Next-Gen Polyester match the performance of virgin materials, boasting robust fiber length and full decolorization while cutting water usage and carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 85 per cent.

RE&UP's technology is ready for immediate application in yarns, fabrics, and garments, operating from its facilities in Turkiye, with plans to expand across Europe and Asia. The company aims to recycle over 200,000 tons of textile waste annually by 2025 and scale up to over one million tons globally by 2030.

RE&UP is committed to promoting a more responsible and technologically advanced future for textiles and fashion, according to Chairman Fatih Konukoglu.

At the summit, RE&UP will participate in discussions on future fibers and global collaboration, emphasizing their commitment to driving sustainable change in the fashion industry.



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