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Recycled fibres should be made affordable to reach mass market: Study

A recent by Relooping Fashion Initiative, report suggests textile items made from recycled fibres should be made affordable to the masses apart from the environmentally conscious niche consumer segment. The emotional engagement for such recycled textile products has to be elevated, so that consumers are willing to take good care of them, and use them longer.

The report also added the retailers and brands should increasingly apply new circular business models, which are based on product use, rather than sales. Setting up circular material flows will shorten value chains, because brands will have to work closely with all actors of the business ecosystem. The business ecosystem report of the Relooping Fashion Initiative stated brands and retailers are in key position in defining the new circular customer value proposition which is central for profitability of the new circular business models of all business ecosystem actors.

Focusing on the business ecosystem modelling work, the report introduced crystallised vision of a higher-level system that enables the textiles industry to operate according to the basic principles of a circular economy. The main direct opportunities of circular economy relate to resource efficiency, the possibility to replace and reduce usage of virgin materials, elimination of waste, new opportunities for employment, business and innovation, as well as promotion of sustainable consumption habits and fostering socio-economic well-being.


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