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Swiss company makes reactor to turn textile waste to biofuel

A new type of reactor made of a textile material has found its way into the market in different parts of the world.The reactor transforms different kinds of waste into new products, such as biofuel. The textile reactor has been tested in different markets in the world and the technology has evolved along the way. India is the latest market where it has been tested. Swedish company F.O.V. has established a subsidiary that supplies reactors with volumes from five cubic meters to 300 cubic meters.

Approximately 30 reactors have been established and technical trials are being carried out. Textile reactors have been developed and established in several locations around the world to produce biogas on both small and large scales, ranging from a few cubic meters to 300 cubic meter large reactors. They are used so far mainly in agriculture.

The first prototype of the reactor was made in 2014. Over last few years, it was tested in several research projects. First, attempts were made to produce biogas with kitchen waste in the lab environment, then later with manure. The results were excellent.

Research on the textile reactor has now entered a new phase – to find new applications for it. In new projects, it is now being tested for the production of things other than biogas and bioethanol.


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