Telangana is preparing a handloom directory. This will have complete details of the condition of handloom weavers and the sector, including the number of handlooms, handloom weavers and workers, production capacity etc. with full capacity and estimates. Based on this, special policies would be formulated for the handloom, power loom and textile sectors.
Subsidy will be extended to weavers by linking it to their Aadhaar and biometric identity. Subsidy benefits will be directly credited to the accounts of the handloom weavers. The existing handloom workers will be protected, and if some workers want to shift to other sectors, cooperation will be extended to them. Loan with special subsidy will be extended to those contemplating to shift to other remunerative sectors. A 50 per cent subsidy on yarn will be given to handloom weavers.
Data on how many weavers weave silk, cotton and grey cloth will be collected. They will be given opportunities to sell their products not only to the government but the outside market. The state will set up its own handloom depots in addition to National Handloom Development Corporation yarn depots and provide more benefits to the weavers. There are 17,000 handlooms in Telangana and 14,300 are geo-tagged.